Xenamo comes with a preconfigured skeleton which must be installed to the cluster. It is assumed that the cluster is mounted in /mnt/cluster
. You need to perform the following steps to install a xenamo cluster skeleton:
cd /mnt cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@xenamo.cvs.sourceforge.net:/\ cvsroot/xenamo login (press enter for empty password) cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@xenamo.cvs.sourceforge.net:/\ cvsroot/xenamo export -r HEAD -d cluster cluster-skeleton
You now have a directory structure like this
/mnt/cluster/xenamo / bin (Binaries for all xenamo instances, like argo-server) / config (DomU config files <domUName>.cfg) / images (Partition images, see readme.txt for naming convention) / templates (Partition templates, see readme.txt for naming convention)
On every Xenamo instance you have to configure and start the argo server. Perform the following steps to do that:
(Check if the perl module Net::Server::PreFork is installed) perl -MCPAN -e shell -> install Net::Server::PreFork (Link the perl module include path) ln -s /mnt/cluster/xenamo/bin/argo/perl5/Xen/ /usr/share/perl5/Xen (Link the argo-server init script) ln -s /mnt/cluster/xenamo/bin/argo/init.d/argo-server /etc/init.d/argo-server (Make startup links) update-rc.d argo-server defaults 20 20